
Poultry farmers with flocks of the following birds are eligible for support:

a) Chickens;

b) Ducks;

c) Painted;

d) Perus;

e) Quail.

Deadline for submitting applications

By 12 August of 2022.

Criteria for admissibility

  • a) Have sent poultry flocks for slaughter, proven by the existence of a slaughter record for the holding concerned in the Establishment Approval Plan Information System (SIPACE) in the 1st quarter of 2022;
  • b) Have submitted on the AVIDEC platform the stock declaration of the laying hen flock for February 2022, in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 293/2015, of 12 January, of the Director-General for Food and Veterinary Office;
  • c) Have declared breeding hen flocks in the National Salmonella Control Programme during 2021.

Additional requirements

Applicants for support under this chapter must meet one of the following criteria:

a) Have animal welfare certification;

b) Have certification in environmentally and climate friendly production methods, such as organic production or voluntary labelling of poultry meat and eggs;

c) Have International Featured Standards (IFS) certifications;

d) They have photovoltaic panels, biogas or other renewable energy sources;

e) Have composting or biogas plants, or animal by-product or waste combustion plants, or ensure that their animal by-products are sent to approved plants for the processing of animal by-products which ensure their recovery or proper disposal;

f) To have a biosafety plan;

g) Use practices that promote water recovery on farms.

Calculation of support amounts

The support provided takes the form of a non-refundable incentive, with a reference value of EUR 10 per livestock unit (LU=0.006). The amount of support based on the total number of animals slaughtered, per beneficiary, in the 1st quarter of 2022.

Source: Official Gazette no. 135/2022

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