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  • Compete 2030: New Support

Compete 2030: New Support to Boost Portuguese Companies

19th February, 2024|Categories: Apoios e Incentivos|

Compete 2030: New Support to Boost Portuguese Companies The Compete 2030 programme launches new support aimed at strengthening the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of Portuguese companies. This announcement therefore represents a significant milestone for the country's business fabric, offering a range of incentives designed to promote [...]

  • property as share capital

Using a property as share capital for a company

15th February, 2024|Categories: Impostos, Tendências|

Using a property as a company's share capital is a practice that can be advantageous for those wishing to set up or increase the capital of a company in Portugal. This approach consists of transferring ownership of a property to the company, contributing to its share capital. In [...]

  • What changes in the tax return

What's changing in your tax return? A complete guide for 2024

13th February, 2024|Categories: Impostos|

What's Changing on Your Tax Return in 2024: A Complete Guide Introduction: Navigating the Tax News As we approach 2024, the question is: what's changing on your tax return? We are entering a period of fiscal transformation, with significant changes in store. Consequently, this [...]

  • Insider data breach prevention

Insider data breach prevention.

10 February, 2024|Categories: Impostos, Tendências|

The Importance of Insider Data Breach Prevention in an ISO 27001 Certified Accounting Firm Information security in an accounting firm goes beyond protecting data from external threats. Internal failures, known as insider data breaches, also represent a significant risk. These incidents occur when [...]

  • Iapmei Training Programme

IAPMEI Training Programme: More Competitiveness for Portuguese SMEs

15th January, 2024|Categories: Formação|

Introduction to the IAPMEI Training Programme The IAPMEI Training Programme, in partnership with Nova SBE, opens up innovative paths for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Portugal. This programme not only addresses, but also effectively solves the challenges that SMEs face, revitalising the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy. [...]

  • Workers meet to look at construction maps

The New Construction Code being analysed...

4 January, 2024|Categories: Leis|

Transformation with the Construction Code Initially, the Construction Code emerged as an innovative response to the complexities of the property sector. This article by Serro & Andrade offers an in-depth look at the details and significant impacts of the Construction Code. Consolidation of Laws: A Legal Framework Firstly, the core [...]

  • licence reform and simplification

Reform and Simplification of Licensing in Portugal: More Agility and Efficiency

27th October, 2023|Categories: Ferramentas, Recursos|

Reform and Simplification of Licensing in Portugal: More Agility and Efficiency for New Homes The reform and simplification of licensing in Portugal represents a significant step towards making the process of building new homes more agile and efficient. This recently approved government measure aims to reduce bureaucracy and [...]

  • Applications open for Portugal 2030

Portugal 2030 Applications Open: Serro & Andrade Helps Companies Find Financial Support

20th October, 2023|Categories: Apoios e Incentivos|

Open Applications for Portugal 2030: Serro & Andrade Helps Companies Find Financial Support The Open Applications for Portugal 2030 represent an unmissable opportunity for micro-enterprises and SMEs throughout the country. This programme offers up to 400 million euros in support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [...]

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