In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) released the document "19 Recommendations to Adapt Workplaces and Protect Workers", in order to ensure a safe return to the workplace.
The document "19 Recommendations to Adapt Workplaces and Protect Workers" was published by Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) with the aim of helping companies to guarantee the health and safety of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The recommendations aim to adapt workplaces to the new health requirements and minimise the risk of contagion.
The main recommendations include:
Risk AssessmentIdentify and assess the specific risks of each activity, ensuring adequate protection measures.
Physical Distancing: Implement distancing measures between workers, adapting workstations and common areas.
Hygiene and cleaning: Reinforce cleaning and disinfecting procedures for spaces, surfaces and equipment, paying special attention to areas of greater use.
Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation in work spaces, favouring natural air circulation.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Ensure that PPE, such as masks and gloves, is provided and used properly whenever necessary.
Teleworking: Promote teleworking whenever possible, or alternate between face-to-face and remote work to avoid a concentration of people.
Mismatched timetables: Implement staggered working hours to reduce the simultaneous presence of workers and avoid crowds.
Communication and Training: Inform and train workers on the safety measures to be adopted and promote strict compliance with these measures.
Insulation measures: Establish protocols for cases of suspected or confirmed infection, ensuring the isolation of affected workers and preventing contagion.
The aim of these recommendations is to create a safe working environment, protecting workers' health and guaranteeing their safety. continuity of economic activities during the pandemic.