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  • New IRS tables 2025: what changes?

New IRS tables for 2025: what changes?

18th December, 2024|Categories: Impostos|

Novas Tabelas de IRS 2025: O que muda? As novas tabelas de IRS 2025 estão a caminho e trazem mudanças significativas para os rendimentos auferidos a partir de janeiro do próximo ano. Estas alterações, alinhadas com o Orçamento do Estado para 2025, prometem tornar a tributação mais justa, beneficiando trabalhadores, [...]

  • What impact will SB25 have on companies?

What impact will SB25 have on companies?

25th November, 2024|Categories: Sem categoria|

What is the impact of SB 25 on companies? SB 25 contains proposals that promise changes to the tax landscape for companies in Portugal. Despite some improvements, many doubts remain. Will it be enough to boost competitiveness? Find out the main points of this budget and how they could affect your business. Read [...]

  • We need to save more!

We need to save more! Building a secure future starts today.

18th November, 2024|Categories: Sem categoria|

We need to save more! Building a secure future starts today. Saving is not just a sensible choice. We need to save more! It's an urgent necessity. Many Portuguese still don't pay enough attention to saving. However, with global economic uncertainty and local challenges, it's clearer than [...]

  • Paying IMI: What it is and how it works

IMI Payment: What It Is and How It Works

1st November, 2024|Categories: Sem categoria|

The payment of IMI (Municipal Property Tax): What it is and how it works. IMI is the responsibility of anyone who owns property in Portugal. This tax is levied on the value of buildings and land and is collected every year. IMI is calculated and managed by the Tax Authority, but the [...]

  • urgency in company security

Urgent business security: protect your customers' information

15th October, 2024|Categories: Segurança, Tendências|

Business Security Urgency: Protect Your Customers' Information In recent months, cyber attacks on public administration have revealed the fragility of many organisations' security systems. This reality doesn't just affect government organisations. In fact, companies from various sectors, including medical clinics, law firms [...]

  • The Importance of ISO 27001 Certification in the Digital Age

The Importance of ISO 27001 Certification in the Digital Age

2nd October, 2024|Categories: Contabilidade para Médicos, Recursos, Tendências|

The Importance of ISO 27001 Certification in the Digital Age: ISO 27001 certification has become essential in a world where information is one of the most valuable assets. This international standard focuses on information security, offering a solid framework for protecting sensitive data. In an increasingly vulnerable digital landscape, investing [...]

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