The application forms for the +CO3SO Incentive Scheme are now available for almost all the Local Action Groups (LAGs), for which we present a brief summary below:  

ObjectiveApplications must be aimed at the creation or expansion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and must involve the net creation of jobs and a business strategy project.

BeneficiariesBeneficiaries are all entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium enterprises within the scope of the operations that have electronic certification from IAPMEI until the financing decision,  

CO3SO Employment Interior - Limited to the interior of the country
CO3SO Urban Employment - Dedicated to employment in urban territories
Social Entrepreneurship - Aimed at IPSS with social entrepreneurship projects
Arrangements with a maximum duration of 36 months after the creation of the first job  

Eligible jobs:
This instrument aims to support the creation of self-employment and the creation of employment through an employment contract without expiry.

See a summary document on the eligibility of jobs here

Eligible geographical area
Geographic eligibility is determined by the location of the project  

Eligible Expenses
Jobs Remunerations
Contribution Expenses (Single Social Tax)
Additional 40% support for costs associated with job creation  
Form, level and limit of the supports
The support to be granted will take the form of a non-repayable grant  

1st phase of applications until 15/09/2020
Note: Each LAG launches its respective notice, and the specific details of each one may be different, so they may only be known after their publication by the P2020 Desk.  


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