
Information protection.

We prioritize the protection of sensitive information entrusted to us and maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and compliance with the GDPR.


Data confidentiality

Confidentiality and integrity.

We apply strict policies to prevent the disclosure of client or office data to unauthorized persons. Our employees are bound by non-disclosure agreements, with breaches resulting in termination.

Internet access

Internet security.

Access to Internet websites is limited to process requirements only, with continuous monitoring of web traffic and disciplinary action for any violations.


Safe handling

Data protection.

We use industry-leading security measures to ensure the safe handling of all information, including firewall protection, password protection, high levels of encryption of individual systems, secret login details for Internet access and secure server rooms with restricted access.

Regular audits and evaluations

ISO 27001 certified.

We carry out regular audits and data protection impact assessments to ensure alignment with GDPR requirements and to promptly address any potential risks.


Surveillance measures

Continuous monitoring.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras are strategically installed for continuous surveillance and monitoring in all important rooms and public areas.

People safety

Safe installations.

Our offices are housed in buildings with trained security guards, working 24 hours a day to ensure proactive security measures.


Training workers

Conscious collaborators.

Our employees receive regular training on best practices in data protection and privacy to maintain a strong awareness of confidentiality and privacy in all operations.

Continuous improvement

Security policies.

We are constantly reviewing and improving our policies, procedures and technologies to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain the highest standards of information security.


Years of experience




Countries served


Exceptional Customer Resources.

Digital Archive

Document transfer process through an exclusive platform.

24/7 access

Access your documents 24/7, via the web or your mobile device.


Greater convenience. Be with us, whenever you want, without coming to us.

HR Management

Set of exclusive tools to streamline HR management.

Other services Serro & Andrade.


Tax framework and optimisation. Relations with tax authorities.


Creation, viability, recovery and evaluation of companies, as well as the preparation of applications for fiscal and community support.


Ensure compliance with all labour obligations. Processing of salaries.

Come and talk to us.