Last Friday, the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) published the DGS rules for restaurants and cafés.
The measures to be adopted by companies include reducing the maximum capacity of the establishment, so as to ensure the recommended physical distance (2 metres) between people, favouring the use of outdoor areas, such as esplanades (whenever possible) and service take-away.
The arrangement of tables and chairs must ensure a distance of at least two metres between people, but cohabitants may sit facing each other or side by side at a shorter distance.
The DGS also recommends that, whenever possible and applicable, advance booking for seat reservations should be promoted and encouraged. On the other hand, standing places are not recommended, as are self-service operations such as buffets.
Cleaning and disinfection of the spaces should follow the guidelines previously issued by the DGS, and owners should disinfect, at least six times a day, all areas of frequent contact (door handles, lavatory taps, tables, benches, chairs, handrails) and, after each use, critical equipment (such as automatic payment terminals and individual menus).
The guideline establishes the need for hand hygiene with alcohol-based solution or soap and water on entering and leaving the establishment by customers, who should respect the distance between people of at least 2 meters and comply with the measures of respiratory etiquette.
Customers should also consider wearing masks (except during meal times), avoid touching unnecessary surfaces and objects and give preference to electronic payment.
The document also establishes the procedures to be adopted by employees of catering and drinking establishments, namely the use of masks while working with multiple people.